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Welcome to the A for Afro blog

Welcome to the A for Afro blog

Let me take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Suzanne. I am the loud-mouthed little girl on the left - and I still am. I am probably the lazy daughter, when it comes to hair. But I still love to have great bouncy effortless curly hair. Of course. It doesn't add up, and my hair journey has just begun. And sorry for the serious face on the right. I was trying to look femme-fatal-ish. It didn't work. 

Afro family presentationI am part of A for Afro, which is a family business. Read more about us here. My mother, Mamma Stella, is an african hairstylist, with ever changing hair. I don't think my Danish friends ever saw her with the same hairdo twice in a row. They were amazed. Just like me.

My hair never changed - and as my Danish friends noticed; "it didn't seem to grow". So I didn't cut it. And I still don't. But I know, I should. And don't get too excited. There will not be coming any "big chop" in the near future. But I might trim the edges... a bit.

So my hairdo always stayed the same. Well... except for some easy box braided teen years and some early twenties with a too hot straightening iron. 

Wizards of hair

I am kind of a hair conservative - but only when it comes to my own locks. I am a mother of three, two of them girls, so now I gotta learn. My little sister, Vanessa, who is founder of the A for Afro shop, changes her hair frequently, and what ever she does, she just looks amazing. She is like my mum. A wizard with hair.

I just wanted to wake up with great curls, but I mostly woke up with flat curls and a fro totally flat on one side. I also hated long car rides, because my hair would be flat in the back, because it was so dry.

I truly believed, that if I just washed it daily, my curls would be defined. You know.. water defined it. At first. Not at the end of the day. Then it would be dry and tangled. So, I started to have problems.

My first ever before and after picture

"Stop washing your hair every day", my mum would always preach, but hey... she didn't have the same kind of curls, as I did, so I thought, I knew better. I had to wash it, because my curls were flat. So I had to. I convinced myself of that for a decade. And since my mum was a hairdresser, I stopped going to one. 

This is how my curls looked BEFORE and AFTER I started listening to my mum. 

Before and after curly girl picture

Now I actually do wake up with great curls, and I don't wash it every day, so it is really easy to manage. I try to only wash it each Sunday, which there for is no longer a day of rest. But it's a day of pampering for my hair.

On this blog I will share with you all of the great things, I have learned about hair during the last 12 months, and I will add some interviews, tips, guest authors and videos as well.

And who knows, I might even cut my hair soon. Or not. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Stay curly

Curly Sue

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